
  Receive excellent and compassionate care.


Maintain communication with your family, as per institution protocols established for this purpose.


  Access necessary services, technologies, and medications promptly and without discrimination, in accordance with healthcare standards.


    Select the healthcare professionals of your choice, subject to the institution's availability.


     Receive timely emergency care commensurate with the urgency of your condition.


   Maintain clear, open, and comprehensive communication with your treating healthcare professional.


  Receive clear, adequate, and sufficient information from your treating healthcare professional to make informed decisions about treatments, including risks, and to express your consent or dissent clearly in writing.


    Be treated with dignity and respect for your beliefs and customs, as well as for your opinions about procedures.


  Seek a second opinion on diagnosis and treatments, subject to the institution's availability.


Have your medical records and personal data handled with confidentiality and reserve, in accordance with the institution’s Personal Data Processing Policy.


Receive healthcare from qualified professionals authorized to practice, meeting established standards of quality care throughout the entire process of your disease.


    Receive healthcare services under hygienic and safe conditions that respect your privacy.


    Access official channels to communicate with the institution and receive timely responses to requests, complaints, suggestions, and congratulations.


      Request and receive explanations about the costs of the received healthcare treatments.


  Express your willingness to accept or refuse organ donation in accordance with the law.


  Receive timely pain and disease management in accordance with the available scientific, clinical, and medical alternatives.


     Explore all available treatment options to overcome your illness in collaboration with your treating healthcare professional.


     Receive or refuse spiritual support.


Choose to participate voluntarily in education or research activities and decide whether to receive care from healthcare professionals in training.


       Receive comprehensive information about home care upon discharge from the institution to support your transition.


Choose to die with dignity.
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    Take responsibility for maintaining your health, as well as that of your family and community, by following prescribed treatments and actively participating in your care process.

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   Follow promptly the recommendations made in health promotion and disease prevention programs.

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    Adhere to the institution protocols and guidelines for admission and discharge and designate a representative if needed.

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     Attend scheduled appointments promptly or provide at least 24 hours' notice if unable to keep them.

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Report any suspicious behaviors or incidents observed during your stay at the institution.

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  Respect the rights of other patients and healthcare service users.

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  Act supportively in situations where the life or health of others is at risk.

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       Demostrate respect for healthcare professionals, including clinical staff, support personnel, and administrative staff.

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  Utilize institution services and healthcare system resources appropriately and efficiently.

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Abide by the regulations and standards established by the healthcare system.
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        Act in good faith with the healthcare system and the institution.

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  Provide accurate, timely, and complete information about your health condition, as well as any additional details necessary for the provision of adequate healthcare services.

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Fulfill financial obligations, such as co-payments, deductibles, or any other contributions, required by law to access healthcare services.